Sunday, December 21, 2008
past tense.
ok, first of all, insyispice got zhenghua for her secondary skul.. suke ar.. -.-nxt, on 20 dec, thrs keduri cukur rambot my ank sedare going on. so well, heres the photossss. :)
oh yaaaaa, and to nurul,iz and to those who had achieved their n, good2. and those who are nt, continue working hard. :)

Labels: i had a crush on you. fk., ohh
9:41 PM
Monday, December 15, 2008
laugh la eh laugh
go to maicha mansion. initially, gonna collect debts frm that idiot bt he's nt at home. shit bull. go to heaven boy. so well, watch stay alive. then, we took craps. look and laugh till you alive. hahaha!

Labels: hello, im missing you .
6:54 AM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
halo maloo

ok.. first of all, i would like to say,
ok well, on last fri, i ordered pizza hut. khai sent it. i didnt realised it even when kak rina said this 'khairul eh?'. i only realised after kak rina said khairul bulu. hahaha. thats his nick when he was in his skul days. i mean, during at madrasah al irsyad. i bet, all the zhenghuarians knw hym by the name of khairul, mataenye yg aliff aziz tegile2 kn dulu. tp da brk ar. haha. ok next,
yesterday, thought of going to sentose wif fam's . however, only me, kak rina ,adk2 and parents go. bt we cancelled our trip to sentose as thrs events going on thr and thr shul b many ppl. so, we thought of going picnic. bt agn, cancelled due to the minimim ppl going. so, we planned for a pit whr all of our fam's member will be attending it. :) altogether should be, 11 ppls. ank2 kaklong.. abg z.. so yea, back to the top, atlast, we went to changi airport and then to gylng. at gylng, saw sab parents. ok and, yest, lyk wtf. i kept doing my hair. my fringe are super long oredi so i need to do a new hairstyle. atlast, it was just simple. hahaha. ok, so i really2 need to cut my fringe! baya, amcm ? nk ikt? gaga. k bye.
9:46 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

8 dec ;
hari raya haji was celebrated at two houses. one frm dad and one frm mum one was fun. aunt was so called the bbq-ing hari raya haji. i didnt do the bbq-inq. i only eat. :). so yea. anw, nurul was super duper hyper. ty for ajak-ing mkning the food ehh. and taking also. then , went inside aunt hse to watch seputeh awan. cried. and blabla. then go to mum side. nvr do much things. bt wun was abt the pantuning among the makciks. most of the panton were ctisizing . then, went home. end.
9 dec ;
went out with baya. asked her to accompany me to pay the hse bill. aft that, went to lucky plaza as both of us gilenye craving ayam penyet. ohya, satu2 ade prob ngn ezlink card. haha. then, we went to far east . walk2 and survey the bag. and, i really want that bag! it cost $135.90. it's like.. black and white, conteng2 then tgh2 gt skull. cantek!!!!!!! then went to lot 1 as i need to buy food for adks. went home; talked to mum abt the bag. then , to dad. mum said i can have the back by end of jan. then i was lyk, ' nooooo... i want it early jan. bkk skola!' then dad said , 'ok, end of dec'. bt, the main thing is only mum knws the actual price. hahaha. dad asked me how much is the price. i said it. then ;
dad : nono.. bli beg mura je.. beg kt ruma pon byk..
me: alaaaaaaa.. nk jgk nk jgk. kakak byr $30, the rest mak n aya byr...
dad: awk(talks to mum), igt tk dulu die ckp beg yg die bli on sec 1 tu die pkai smpai da rsk beg tu bru die bli bru? psl beg tu mhl?
mum: ar2.
me: alaaa.. tu brape puloh je.. plsssss... nk jgk..
mum and dad just smile.. see how desperate i am.. i'll try to save . sorry mum, dad. :(. i want that bag! sob sob... haba2..
btw baya, ty for tmn aku. :). and to the one who spam baya, ish2. tkd keje ehh..
8:03 AM