Tuesday, March 31, 2009
bye matin

eh hell-oh.
what should i post.
im bored u see.
oh ya, school was as per usual. i got no mood at all honestly.
but thank godness, during ss workshop, my mood changes.
i cant stop laughing la. suhaila kept giving craps teka-teki.
then, we kept playing pantuns. then, farah kept taking pictures.
so, we took craps. tmr, i'll have NE workshop.
urgh ya, im a NE rap. or is it NE ambassador?
whatever it is, idk wth it is. haha. thx to mr yusof.
oh ya, enjoy your holiday mansor. bye. :) :(
oh my oh my. housewives holidays finish already.
hey i need help on my lyrics.
its a different one. diff from all those i've done.
im doing a dikir one. i need some dikir ppls to help me.
before i gave up.
i want to do this lyric. i've done half of it. half? no. not even a half.
hahas. i wanna try something new what. ok, what else,
oh, im missing shafikah edora, nurul.
text la dodols. hees.
im gonna miss mansor. :(
i kindda miss , Nazree. Rahman, Huss. haha.
but mostly, i miss edora! urgh, kill her kill her.
oh my oh my, i wanna have an outing. i wanna have a karaoke session.
:(. care to join?
see movie uh, haiyaaa..
im talking craps. bye.
eh wait, to those my pri school mates, im missing our days. im wishing to meet u guys or atleast
have ur contacts.
7:16 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
bby going to sterilized. :(

hello readers. how long have i not updated?
sorry ok. anw, thrs ntg interesting i need to post. isn't it boring to post about my daily routine? haha.
anw, yest, i didn't attend school. due to some reasons. im not sick ok.
ok so, today school was super fun la. my friends make it hyp hyp hyper. :D
oh ya, aft school, quickly rushed home to helped mum.
then, bath and went to baya house. planned to watch mallcop. bt, i came, rosak.
oh, khalid, baya bf was thr too. then, we played happy family, old maid. watch suci. then, i went home.
oh ya, tmr, bby, my cat will be goin to the hospital. sterelized. (is this the spelling?)
and, i'll be having my rehearsel tmr .
urgh, this syf and schoolworks is driving me crazy.
haha. bye peepoo..
i better get goin. before my bro get home and ,
ohhh, when can i have a new comp.. :(
Labels: i kindda my.
6:28 AM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
long post.

see, i got a bear. TickToing. :). ok, here it goes.
yest, the plan was to met suhaila and kat at lot 1. to study. however, suhaila cant make it due to some reasons. so, i and kat went to lot 1. aft studying for an hour, off we went to suntec. this is because i long wanted to make a bear of my my own.anw, ty kat for accompany me to go thr. :). so ya, oh, one of the reasons why i wanted to buy it because, i just got my pay from mum. or maybe not pay, should be , duet upah. and mum said buy something that can buat kenangan like that. so, i decided to go to the build a bear workshop. it was super duper fun. i'll be going thr agn to buy her clothes. aft that, we go toyrus. took craps. then, ate. i treat kat. so well, thats it. kat jealous. haha. and oh, my bear even have a birth certificate la. i put a sound on it too. and and, i need to make a wish. and i make one. hahaha. then, bath my bear all. ok, lol la. but but, its fun. i swear. then aft all those fun with kat, went home and, at home, sis bought burger king. i didnnt ate it. what a waste. :(.

so ya, today, i had this riang ria camp from 815 till 4 pm. overall, it was fun. yes, i do learnt a lot. ilove cikgu naz. he teached not only well but he also made a lot of jokes. oh yes, im ok with baya already. i love her. bulldog, jgn jealous. ok, haba getting crappy here. :). anw, ty to those who i texted for your time and understanding.
Labels: no respond. :(
2:32 AM
Monday, March 16, 2009
posting ppls.

ok readers, here i am updating.
13.03.09 ;
sports day. it was fun for the first quarter. bt then, it went super hot for the 2nd half. get it?
i,sak and amirah kept singing. kecoh la. and, i painted my face. aft sports day, i went to lot 1 wif kat,izz and more. met jannah, my cousin. then, off i went to kat's house. watched simpsons.
oh yes. i didnt took off that paintfrom my face till i reached my home. :)
then, at night, as per usual. go ngaji. :D
14.03.09 ;
supposed to be a family gathering. bt, abg wasnt thr. so, ya. we went to changi to have our dnner. then, to geylang and have durians. then, to ecp . reached home ard 1 am.
it was fun la. then, my shoe. greaaattt.. pecah. hahaha.
15.03.09 ;
i stayed at home. let me tell you this. i cant stay at home. i kept eating, sleeping. god..
OH YA, yest, i clean my room. :D. haha. then, spent the whole day watching tv till 3 am.
16.03.09 ;
went to skul to have my practical. suppossed to be abg sent me. bt, raining. :(.
ya, aft skul, went to eat and now, at kat's house. :).
thats it.
2:21 AM
Sunday, March 8, 2009
im confuse. honestly.

hey,haha.. im stuck with this song..
let me change it..
- i truly fall in love with you.. its true.. and i hope .........
blablabla.. pls say yes.. that u'll be my perfect guy..
haha. sori, mansor, i spoilt ur song. :p
today will be a very long post. :)
yest went to buy presents with my adk. had meal at food junction and bump into baya and khalid. so, i'll post the pics. baya told me her prob. and ya. no worries, im always here . maybe sometimes i tend to be busy . and not going out with you. but u see, u need to tell me. dnt worry much.
next, i went to madrasah today. will have night cycling. 8pm to 8 am during march hols. :). then ard 4 pm, went to meet maicha. to teach her poa. we went to ameer mansion.
thrs hannan to. so, ya. i teach her. then, we went to bpp to have our dinner. as per usual, i didn't finish it. i gt no mood to eat nowadays. idk why.
sab ; well, maybe u shud seperate ur tym between adha and ur frens. see, ppls getting hurt. mayb u dnt realise it.
kat ; u knw what, i kindda miss u. ur always busy nowadays. i tried to understand that u need to study. bt, ya, imy. we miss u.
maicha ; i understand how u feel. ya, u and sab very close. we'll settle it first.
you guys no what, i miss our frenship. the times we spent together everything. ya, we tend to forget abt others. i tried to understand that some of you are att. i tried to understand that you guys need to spent time with ur bf. bt, some are getting hurt.
sometimes, i feel leftout. idk. i do understand. cut it short, i miss you guys.
maybe frens, we need to talk things thru.. or maybe, understand each other. we tend to forget that ppl are feeling leftout. ya, u cn be serious in relationship. duh. bt, ur ignoring ur frens w/o being notice. oh god, im talking craps. no. i mean, -. idk how to explain. goddd...
Labels: i dont understand. help me?
5:22 AM
Friday, March 6, 2009
i got ntg to say. im hungry.

ok.. i'll try to post something.. so, my blog wont be dead. :)
ok well, yest skul, as per usual. i had my cca photo taking, and off i went for my cca.
as the syf is getting nearer, i feel that, i gt no mood to go for the syf competition.
well, i need to. this is my chance. tho, i had been thru competitions before.
ok . oh ya, yest we had a class maths quiz. can i be honest? i'll fail.
ya, i wont be surprise if i fail.
so now, 910 am.
oh god, i should have sleep ryt now. i dont get enuff sleep nowadays. urgh..
i need to go out today to search for presents for my both sister. ALONE. :)
however, fam's didnt have any plans for their burfday. we plan it to have the celebration during the march hols. so ya, i won't be posting much.
anw, im hungry. super hungry, and here i am having stomach crampiessss..
guess what, i kept listening to this songs that my fren gave it to me.
so ya, here's my comment on your song.
ya, ur voice quite low, but okay. i love the song. the lirics, the music, its very entertaining. hahaha!
anw, cut it short, i love it. :)
oh ya, im craving for food,
ben&jerry, swensens,nasi aym penyet.
i know , alot. hey, im talking craps here.
im bored you see. im using my bro lappy. lappy lappy lap. :D
oh ya, baya asked me out today. bt i cancelled it. due to, my sis burfdae.
tmr also, my sis burfdae. why must both of them have the same burfdae during the same month and close date? this is not fair. im out of cash. hahaha.
hey, i miss these peeps. contact me guys tho some wont. haha.
- Nazree (i kindda miss this freak. or mayb no. )
- Shafikah edora (miss talking to her. )
- My frendy fren (miss going out and their craps)
ok peeppppppsssyypeeeepppppsss..
im goin now before i get to crappy.
Labels: bsk raye. bye.hahahhahhaahaa
5:04 PM