Friday, August 21, 2009

pmpn gatal. mntk kene smack.

mulakn dgn bismillah.. :Dassalamualaikum. :) so well, tmr will be 1st day of ramadhan. i mean, today is the first day. and, i won't be sleeping as i already promise my parents tt i will be cooking sahur. idk what am i gonna do for this ard 2 more. well, i hope my sis will be accompanying me. :D oh well, just now, i never attend sch due to perfect reasons. & then, i also went to geylang at night. mum wanted me to buy this 'bengali' dress. so yea, i bought one. aft tt, have a quick walk at the bazaar. not alot of shops are open tho. & suddenly, i was having stomach cramps. but still, im able to walk. so dad bought me 1oo plus and bla bla.. then, ard 1030, went off. alright. tts it for today events.yesterday which is well, thurs.
was supposed to went to extra class but cancelled due to wanting to go to the hospital as 1st sis was thr. but well, cancelled. so was about to go rp to study but aiman change the location due to no internet connection. so yea, i manage to atleast finish my hws thr and also study phys.
marissa can't study at library. very noisy. HAHAHHA! but no worries, i still love you no matter how many times the securuty guard or whatever told us to shut up. :D
& faa, i try baking tt cake fr you. i really mean, I TRY.
sorry no pics fr this outing.
alright, i'll talk about schs in one go ok? schs been fun. only some things are not fine but well, i still love schs. ok, my results are dead. i admit, i didn't study for my prelims. i've not yet receive my overall results. so just fyi, my results are not good. suhaila were so funny. she really make my day full of sunshines other then my bestfriends.this teacher car, i love sia the colour all! :D

NH, Blair, Kiki

eh, poa!

sports stacking eh?
oh & kat and izz, yesterday, friday was ur 3 yrs anni right? may you guys last forever. i love seeing you guys together. i've seen you guys fight and stuff and hey, its ur 3 years. see how far? im sooo happy fr you guys. :D
& hey, i can't wait for me and my bestfriends 3 yrs anni of friendship too. :D remember, 7 - 11. & i was planning if this yr, we'll go to bottle tree park. ahhahah! wslm.
10:37 AM
Monday, August 17, 2009
wiki wiki :)

look at the above pic. stupid me. want to take photo but stand at the middle.
HELLO ! :DDDDDD well, first, let me post about today and we can continue about kat's belated birthday pit alright? :D alright, today, sch was as per usual. yes, a hard time waking up as im too use of having prelims and 4 days of no sch. so well, i did go to sch. first, eng lesson. mdm fauzana was smiling all the way. guess what? 4N1 eng was fuyooh! well, i get 93/140. i'll tell you the true marks soon. if not, 66/100. but, thrs oral. so, next was maths. but, relief. so, i sleep. yes. for half an hour as the new phy teacher of my asked me to wake up. =.= get my phy results too. i failed. 21/50. yesyes, kindda upset but i knew im gonna fail. i told mr yusof. and he makes me feel better. poa? don't ask. mr teo didn't bring our papers. at tt point of time, i knew we done it very badly. HAHAHHA. believe me, my poa was soooo hancor for prelim i believe. sch was pretty fun but a lil sleepy as its raining. faa, baya, kat and i were talking about our past times. about how we knew each other and stuff. it's funny. i swear i miss those times. i really love my friends. suhaila and i kept talking abt --. ahhaa. she's funny laaaaaaaaa. nvm. after sch, i, kat and baya went to bpp. we were planning to watche jangan pandang belakang congkak at baya's mansion. so, baya was craving for ljs. so well, i and kat bought food too as baya's mansion no food. JANGAN PANDANG BELAKANG CONGKAK WAS FUNNY AND CRAP. i like this, 'angguk, saba, angguk, saba' and this, 'wikiwiki' ahhahahahah!
kat's pit.
the muffins . cat hancor. :(

first batch but changed.

the sabo's.

see, tts cat and her mum. :D and the rest

ignore the girl behind. ahhaha


bdk2 mrepek. only habarinah tk. hahah!

omg, before the pit, i make the sabo stuff for her.
well, smelly. as i leave it for 24 hours. i bake muffins for her too. :D
then, during the day of the pit, i continue making the muffins.
bla bla bla. met baya and faa first then fetch aiman, ashraf and this one guy, idk the name.
so, reached, sabo kat. HAHAHAH! AMEK KW! then, omg. i really adore this one girl. she's damn cute. ok ok continue. wait, i dont like this one girl too. nvm. hahah!ok where do i stop. ok, done sabo-ing kat, gave her my muffins i bake for her. & ppl said, my muffins were nice. my fam's too! ok, kembang, :)))
then, the idk name guy go home, bear came. oh wait, hafiz.
he was damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn funny.
very frenly siaaa. omg, you guys should try hang out with him one day.
seriously, aiman and friends (sounds like barney and friends) , they're craps! im so glad i became friends with them.
ok, guess im done. goodnight.
& kat, ily. :D
& farah, baya and maicha too.
& sabrina, i wont forget you tho we dont usually hang out now. imy.
& suhaila, ur crap. hhahahha!
9:08 AM
Thursday, August 13, 2009
a day belanja-ing kat

see, spiderman and bottle. :DDDD

self timer

happy? ahahhaa



kat sebok

happy belated bdae


a b c d e f. hahaha! TODAY! i went out with kat and kat bf, izran. first, went to lot 1 to book tics for orphan. ic needed. funny; izz was wearing his ite baju. but they still mntk ic. PATHETIC! then, quickly to vivo and headed to B&J. ate mix and match. i treat them. so called kat's belated birthday gift. then off to lot 1 agn to watch orphan. we watched the 5 pm slot. ORPHAN WAS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then, quick walk at psr mlm thr as i wanna buy a new spiderman. my batman da bocor. did i tell you? my cat poke it. so well, i got spiderman! also bought strawberry shortcake waterbottle. tts it. lazy. bye. :DDDDDDDDDDD and aiman, if you wanna see your cekak, nahhhhh! nice knnnnnnnnn?

how cute, spiderman wear cekak. sorry man, spiderman wear ur cekak first.

9:22 AM
Thursday, August 6, 2009

see, batman. :)

yesterday, 5 aug 2009.
went to sch as per usual.prelim :D
then, homeyy help mummy.
at night went to pasar mlm with lovely farah, baya bby, kat love.
and also izran, kat bf.
we ride pirate ship . w/o izran.
FUN! i knw, escape one better.
but, with friends, FUYOH!
we were laughing so loud. everyone watching us. the uncle who take charge of the pirate ship,
bastard. he heard we laugh, he make it even faster. then baya slipper ter- take off. hair die mcm hohoho.
then, i and baya bought dress.
i also bought spiderman! :D

marissa, gile. oh, tt's ameer's baju. HAHHA

the birthday girl.

keburukan yg kian menimpe.

unfinished not delicious food. waste money sia!
went to sch again! geo prelim. kindda easy! :D
then, went to cck, lot 1. go pay house bill first.
met kat, maicha and ameer, maicha bf.
bought tics. then kat bf, izz came. watch G.I Joe.
gogogo watch!
ohoh, plan to sabo kat was cancelled due to some reasons.
anw, ty faa and kiki who came just to sabo kat.
then aft watched movie, went to eat.
i bought a shoe and 2 bangles since thrs offer at lot 1. idk why gt offer.
anw, if you go and eat food culture at lot 1, don't ever try the spaghetti. SUPER NOT NICE!
k da. tmr sch celebrate national day. :D
8:59 AM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
hospital day.

before xray

step tknk amek gamba. muke =.=

check rambot, mane tau doc hensem. haha!

room 9. :D

choose life.

hi, mas'od?

hello precious human beings. :) how's your precious day? sec 4's, how's your precious prelims? today, i took my ss and math paper 2. both quite hard. sbq, omg. first time in my whole life i gotta admit it's hard. aft taking the papers, i quickly went home. rest and wash up. went to SGH with mum and last sis.. it's my first time going to tt hospital. headed to HPB. it's very leceh. go 3rd floor then 4th floor then 3rd floor again. oh, i've done xray. my backbone was fine. just a lil bit curve. very lil. i need to take care of it . this is to prevent it from getting worse if im getting taller. if eh? no, i will be tall. :D aft tt, dad came. all of us ate at the railway station. then, headed to NUH to visit my aunt. it's very leceh too as theres H1N1 cases. we need to wear mask and stuff. i hope aunt will get better soon. :D to my cousin, be patience k? i understand. :) tmr will be having phy and chem. :(i think im falling. and drowning.Labels: im falling.
8:39 AM