Friday, September 18, 2009
eid mubarak. :D
salam alaik ;sempena hari raya yang mulia ini,saya ingin menyusun sepuluh jari, ampunkanlah segala kesalahan.dari zahir dan batin,dari hati yang tulus,ampunkanlah.buang yang keruh dan ambil yang jernih.semoga Tuhan mengampuni dosa-dosa kami.mungkin saya tidak sedar akan kesalahan saya.dari itu, ampunkanlah.sempena hari raya yang mulia ini,rapatkan silaturrahim antara kita.usah lupa pada yang telah tiada.doakan mereka semoga mereka aman sentiasa.dengan ini, assalamualaikum .selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin.
7:16 PM
Friday, September 11, 2009
bunge api oh.........

just now went out with my adk, kiki and her adk too. met kinah. hello ! haha.
this is for kiki aka baya aka kw hot.
bby, chills. i told you how i can get rid of matin right? actually matin is an easy one as i've not met him and we're just crushing.
you should ask how i frgt huss .the first love. =.=
actually it's the same how i frgt them la. i know you can move on.
remember ur mum's advice.
whatever decision, don't regret. follow ur heart.
it's fated. god has His reason remember?
u still have me. :D ily. we're single. lets flirt. this is so not true. i dont flirt. =.=
SO WELL, i love my family. no link. i know.
yesterday, i played bunge apiii.
most cant make it. by my bestfriends can! izz and ameer followed too.
omg so fun sia. we were like so best maen2 then dpt tau, dabez. imagine, 100+ sei. finish.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. we're playing again soon. :DDDDDDDDDDDD
join us laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
it's fun. i was like singing and dancing. woohoo ~ maicha, diam.
haha. toink ~ bye.
Labels: im sick siaaaaaaaaaa
10:10 AM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
up to the date

im dropping by just to link people later.
well, 3 papers for N done.
2 weeks aft raye, continue.i really hope i can make my parents proud.
life been great as usual. sometimes i felt tt somethings change.
and i love the change. and somehow, i feel something missing.
well, do you guys listen to ria girlfriends yest? the topic very good.
a lil , i can learn and somehow, im confused. well, i wont exaggerate.
when theres life, theres secret. :D
been busy lately. not counting the study to N's,
i've been helping mum, bro and stuff.
left two more, clean up rooms and cornflakes madu.
then, im done with my stuff.
i'll be going to play firecrackers today. how fun. join me. :D
well, tts it readers. i try to post more.
well, comp spoilt. need to use bro lappy again. =.=
8:04 PM
Saturday, September 5, 2009
a sweet and long
i just read my adk's blog.
it hurts me tho.
i know i've been advicing her not to trust guys at this age. not to put hopes.
it's puppy love. however, she did.
absolutely, im hurt. first, she's my fucking sister.
next, suddenly the stupid memories of me and hussaini came.
i just don't understand certain peoples.
like how i dont understand my bro ex. wasted your 7 years.
i repeat, 7 years.
people tend to slowly run away from us.
then, lost contact with us.
suddenly, we know tt he or she already have tt someone.
and as time pass, you already had forgotten about them in which you dont even once try to text them.
and suddenly, one day. they call or text you. and trying to gain sympathy, share their stories.
and then, came back and contacting with you again.
and later, they're gone and came again. and it's seems like a cycle.
and i promise myself. im not gonna entertain this kind of people.
and some people, worse.
yes, people want a life partner in their life. i do. but it's the matter of time. the right time and the right one.
but some, why are you so fcking desperate?
try to gain sympathy and more. its irritating.
why does human beings tend to give hopes?
i know, false.
first time falling in love, everything was oh-so-lovely.
you use your 'the most sweet words' you have.
you try to melt her/his heart.
and as time pass, slowly, it fades.
when you and tt someone were in your loveland, going to be together but not yet.
you already give tt someone hopes, and suddenly,
you slowly walks away and found out, attached.
it's really irritating when our partner control us right?
it's ok if it is necessary. but whats with, 'no, u cant go out with ur fren'
now who the hell are you? are you even destined to marry her/him?
once given a chance, you use it in your own ways.
what's with fighting every single day about the same damn thing?
keep breaking and patching up.
when you know tt he/she is not good for you why the hell are you still meeting him/her?
what's the good thing of being a player?
now i asked, why do you fall a fake love with tt someone?
are you so proud with having so many exes?
are you so proud on having sex with how many girls/guys?
where is your future?
what will your future husband or wife says?
you're married. and happy. gain child.
now where the hell is your responsibilities to raise your child?
aren't you afraid? you believe tt what goes around comes around.
now THINK.
you guys may not understand what am i trying to state. but you may get the moral somehow.
its nature. its the fact of life tt you gonna fall in love and you gonna lose tt someone one day.
get me? no matter how so loveable you both are, one day, one of them die. you lose them .
when people say its fated. it cant be all fated right? take a quick example.
you go racing,illegal racing, accident. fated? you find your own troubles don't you?
tts it. im ending it here. goodnight.
10:36 AM