Friday, November 20, 2009
outs outs sorry

hey, im sorry i didn't update much.
well, i remember i go out with baya to sheng siong. and on thurs. went to dunearn sec.
and with suhaila to cwp.
art festival with zahidah and mali. BORING . the band was wtf.
their play of instrument was kindda awesome. however, their voices and screaming, =.=
then, their dunearn idol. fcuk.... is she even an idol? HAHHAHA.
so on my way home, ash called. asked to go nyp on fri. but i already gt plans with aiman.
so, we said, we'll see first.
we watched 2012. ok ok la. byk bbl. bt good la.
we watched for 315pm. so thought aft tt movie can go nyp kn?
however, it finished at 6 pm.
we're sorry.
so who go to nyp?
hafiz with faa, ash with airina, naqib with imran. tts what i heard uh.
sorry aiman and haba cant go :(
aiman, pls dont be sick again. :(
frgt my things aft he send me home. took back saw kat baya izz at mac.
toink ~
6:33 PM
Friday, November 6, 2009
pictures in no random dates.
after sch hangout with suhaila,sak,az.
drawing cause death

night study, alone

bowling with cousins.

see the ball goooooo

i go crazy with bras

last, im last. BUT I LEAD THE 2ND SET.

sometimes, i just don't understand myself.sometimes, this feelings aren't true.
sometimes, i confuse myself.
sometimes, i lead to false.
i miss you.
i miss you.
i miss you.
i just think its not fair.
i just think you should start.
i just think i should stop.
i just think we shall remain.
it is fate for me to meet you.
it is fate for me to fall for you.
but is it fate for me to be in dilemma?
i tried to stop for a few days.
but even for one day i cant stop.
i tried to be as what i am.
but i just think that you wont accept.
is it me or just the fact?
if this is it then i'll accept.
this is challenges in life.
let the mystery reveal soon.
5:51 PM