Monday, June 28, 2010
School have started yet im still at home.
im sick. flu. headache. aches. 4 days of sickness. 2 days mc.
i miss everyone at school.
at mac'd.
especially my bestfriends in both madrasah and zhenghua :(
7:10 PM
Monday, June 21, 2010
i make a formspring tau! :D
10:14 AM
i don't like people who take me for granted.
i don't like people who ignore me when everything changes when it's NOT MY FAULT.
i don't like people who try to break my life.
so well,
kau minum susu dumex sudah!
7:43 AM
Sunday, June 20, 2010
i'm eating . jap
ok da.
i went to kenduri at aunt's place today.
then, to car store with unc and aunt.
yes. bought one.
after that, we went to mac'd to have our well, dinner i guess.
after dinner, i met khadijah and nurbaya at greenridge and off to katiee house.
we made a video. do check out my videos. khadijah will be tagging me.
thats it?

10:13 AM
Saturday, June 19, 2010
been really long eh?
i've no idea la nak update about what.
give ideas uh.
anw, pictures.
12:00 PM
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hey butterflies and bugs!
It's been really long right? Well, I don't know,
I'm lazy to just on the switch and go to BLOGGER.COM
But hey! I'm trying to get active.Let me summarise some stuff.I had a party on the 5th june.4th june, katiee come to help.Library with baya.Exercise with mum and met friends at mac'd.Went to JB with my sisters on the 8th june.Extra classes for two weeks.Upcoming events ;An outing with khairul.Sentosa with loves.JB again with mum and sis.Sheesha with atiqah and the 2 guys.
10:16 PM