Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's been really long.
I'm not so active at facebook and obviously blog.
Well, just wish I will be start activating myself to be so engrossed with internet after my O's.
& Insya-Allah I'll do the best , my very best for it. Amin.
Basically, I won't be updating much photos as my phone was well,
fall in the jamban.
& ya, I should be at school now. However, my skirt was .......
being sheeeeeesheeeeeeeeeee by my 2nd cat. :(
It's a good reason kan?
It's been so long since I last go out and feel pretty.
Can I have a day off and go out and jalan!
I tell you this,
school is getting me off my legs.
So tiring. :D
5:16 PM